Reservoir Dogs(1992)

Reservoir Dogs

Director: Quentin Tarantino


Harvey Keitel – Mr. White

Steve Buscemi – Mr. Pink

Michael Madsen – Mr. Blonde

Tim Roth – Mr. Orange


Reservoir Dogs is the story of a bank heist that went wrong and how four men dealt with the

aftermath of it. The performances by the four actors are very good with Keitel and Roth

being the stand-outs. This movie really shows the inside of how bank robbers cope with

the stress of a failed heist and what goes on in their mind. The movie is simple as it has a

simple premise that tells it story out of order, but in a way to where you can follow it. This

film is a must for Tarantino fans.

Grade: A-

Inglourious Basterds(2009)

Inglourious Basterds

Director: Quentin Tarantino


Brad Pitt – Lt. Aldo Raine

Christoph Waltz – Col. Hans Landa “The Jew Hunter”

Melanie Laurent – Shoshanna

Diane Kruger – Bridget von Hammersmark

Eli Roth – Donny Donowitz “The Bear Jew”

Daniel Bruhl – Frederick Zoller


“Das ist gut” is what I have to say about the WWII film Inglourious Basterds directed by

Quentin Tarantino. This film has an ensemble cast and it tells the story of how the end of

the war came to be in a different point of view. The intersecting stories are so fascinating

as they tie together brilliantly at the end with Raine’s Basterds pursuing Hitler as well as

Shoshanna running a movie theater which is where she plans her attack on the Nazis. The

performances are fantastic with Waltz’ Hans Landa being the most captivating character

in the movie as he is very charming, fluent in multiple languages and is able to possess a

sense of subtlety and calmness during intense sit-downs. Melanie Laurent is also very

good playing the French Jew who is on the run from Landa as she to is calm during her sit-

downs with Landa and her finale is fantastic as it is the climax of the film. The theatre

scene is by far the  most entertaining part of the film as it shows the demise of the Third

Reich and Hitler. This film is going to be regarded as a classic and I recommend it to

anyone who likes war films and comedic films involving war.

Verdict: A

Django Unchained(2012)

Django Unchained

Director: Quentin Tarantino


Jamie Foxx – Django

Christoph Waltz – Dr. King Schultz

Leonardo DiCaprio – Calvin Candie

Kerry Washington – Bromhilda

Samuel L. Jackson – Stephen


This film by Tarantino is very entertaining as it puts the lead role in the

hands of Foxx who plays a slave turned bounty hunter who is taken under

the wing by Waltz’s character who is a doctor turned bounty hunter.

Django is tasked by Schultz to help him find three brothers who are

wanted and then a bond forms between the two. Once there task is

complete the film’s plot begins when Django informs Schultz that his wife

had been sent to a different slave house and the quest to find her begins.

Foxx is very good in the film being very subtle throughout the film and

funny when he needs to be. Waltz is also good being the bright spot of the

film as he is very charismatic and a caring person for he is against slavery.

The main villain played by DiCaprio is fantastic as he is extremely calm

throughout the whole film but once the s**t starts hitting the fan he loses

it and just goes insane and then is able to go back to being calm. Lastly,

Samuel L. Jackson’s character is the funniest one as he is the stingy and

griping old man who steals every scene that he is in and I’m baffled that

he did not receive an Academy Award for his portrayal of Stephen.

This film is very captivating as it captures its time period but gives it a

twist at the same time.

Grade: A