The Shallows(2016)

The Shallows

Director: Jaume Collet-Serra


Blake Lively – Nancy

Oscar Jaenada – Carlos

Brett Cullen – Father

Sedona Legge – Chloe


The Shallows is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and stars Blake Lively and a killer shark.

Blake Lively plays Nancy, a medical student who takes a trip to this island known as

“Paradise” and when she swims out and finds a dead whale, she encounters a killer shark

and its her against this shark for 80 minutes. Blake Lively was amazing in this film as she

was the sole person in the film for the most part and she was magnificent. Her character is

so torn due to a family tragedy and when she becomes trapped on a rock, you really feel for

her. I also love her little buddy, the seagull that sticks with her through the hell. The 80

minutes was perfect timing and it paced out well. Marco Beltrami’s score was very intense

and it gave the film more life. Also, I should point out that the shark was great and his kills

were tremendous. Finally, the filmĀ uses a lot of slow-motion and it became somewhat

tacky and the side characters that appear are only there to be killed for us. The Shallows is

a thrilling survival film with a powerful performance from Blake Lively.

Grade: A-