The Secret Life of Pets(2016)

Secret Life of Pets

Director: Chris Renaud


Louis C.K. – Max

Eric Stonestreet – Duke

Kevin Hart – Snowball

Jenny Slate – Gidget

Albert Brooks – Tiberius

Lake Bell – Chloe


The Secret Life of Pets is directed by Chris Renaud and asksĀ the question, what do are

animals do when we are not around. In this film, Max (C.K.) is introduced to a new dog

Duke (Stonestreet) and these two don’t get along with each other. One day, these two get

taken by animal control and along the way a bunny rabbit named Snowball (Hart) and his

group of sewer animals break them out and an adventure ensues as the two attempt to

make it back to their home. I was interested in seeing how this concept could be done,

thankfully I was pleased. Secret Life of Pets is a funny and heartwarming animated film

with outstanding voice work. Louis C.K. and Eric Stonestreet were very good as the two

dogs butting heads. As the story goes along they begin to grow on each other and they

make a good duo. Kevin Hart was fantastic as Snowball the bunny who is this psychotic

gang leader who wants to get back at the humans for abandoning him and also avenging

his pal Ricky. This movie cleverly takes real situations and makes it funny. Such as, cats

chasing beams and my favorite one, how a vacuum terrifies animals. There was one flaw I

had and it was how the second half of the film became over the top and filled with action,

but overall, The Secret Life of Pets is a clever animated film with great voice work from its

cast. This film really brought joy to me as I never want to see my pet leave.

Grade: B+