Deepwater Horizon(2016)


Director: Peter Berg


Mark Wahlberg – Mike Williams

Kurt Russell – Jimmy Harrell

Gina Rodriguez – Andrea Fleytas

John Malkovich – Vidrine

Dylan O’ Brien – Caleb Holloway

Kate Hudson – Felicia


“Deepwater Horizon” is directed by Peter Berg and is the retelling of events that occurred

on the Deepwater Horizon in 2010. Mark Wahlberg and Kurt Russell star in the film as the

heads of this oil rig when something catastrophic occurs. You also have John Malkovich

who plays a BP exec. who is necessary to the turn of events that take place. All three of

these men were great in their roles as this was one of the most emotional and riveting

films I have seen this entire year. It takes about 30-40 minutes until the action starts as

we get to know more about the characters and who they really are as a person. As soon as

the rig blows up, we are immediately thrust into 5th gear. Talk about an explosion, this

movies use of sound design integrated with explosive effects made Michael Bay films look

juvenile. The acting, directing and sound design were incredible as it made my heart race

through its entirety. “Deepwater Horizon” is an immersive disaster film with great acting,

directing and sound design that depicts a terrible event in a heroic fashion.

Grade: A