

Director: Denis Villenueve


Emily Blunt – Kate Macer

Benicio Del Toro – Alejandro

Josh Brolin – Matt Graver

Victor Garber – Dave Jennings


Sicario is directed by Denis Villenueve and tells the story of a rookie FBI agent played by

Emily Blunt who volunteers to go on a special mission with (Brolin and Del Toro’s)

characters. Soon, things start to unfold in ways she didn’t expect and she starts to

question everything. This movie was fantastic as it had great direction, cinematography

and a great score. The performances from Blunt and Del Toro are fantastic as Blunt

continues to showcase her action skills while still being able to sell her frantic look. Del

Toro was the standout as he plays an advisor to Brolin’s Task Force and Blunt as well as the

audience are unaware of his specialties and himself in general as he is keeping secrets

from Blunt. Roger Deakins cinematography is great as he really captures the desert-like

environment and is able to control the suns power of lighting. Johann Johannsson’s score

is fantastic as it plays out dark and eerie tones as we don’t know what to expect from this

film. This is a superb action thriller with great characters and a dreadful tone.

Grade: A+