Love, Simon (2018)

Love, Simon

Director: Greg Berlanti


Nick Robinson – Simon Spier

Katherine Langford – Leah

Alexandra Shipp – Abby

Logan Miller – Martin

Keiynan Lonsdale – Bram


“Love, Simon” is directed by Greg Berlanti and stars Nick Robinson as Simon Spier, a normal guy just like you and me except he has a secret; he’s gay. This film boasts an incredible ensemble cast that includes Katherine Langford, Alexandra Shipp, Logan Miller and Keiynan Lonsdale. They each are given enough screen time to exhibit there acting talent and they do so in their unique ways. Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhamel are terrific as Simon’s parents as they both give their best performances to date. This film is an adaptation of Becky Albertalli’s novel “Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda.” Screenwriters Elizabeth Berger and Isaac Aptaker adapted the novel into a tremendously written script that turns into a well thought coming of age story. Nick Robinson balances the humor with the more extreme emotional side. Berlanti does a great job at showing you the potential candidates for Simon’s ‘Blue’ that by the end you are still shocked by the reveal. The film isn’t without its flaws, there are high school clichés that occur and some annoying supporting characters. They don’t take away the fact that this is a terrific film. Coming out is a tough choice that many people avoid it. With this film, I believe that all the gay and transgender folks will see a bright and shining light that gives them the strength to come forward and reveal their true self. This is one of the best films of the year and I implore everyone; gay or straight, to see this movie and embrace someone else’s life.

Score: 4.6/5

Lady Bird (2017)

Lady Bird

Director: Greta Gerwig


Saoirse Ronan – Christine ‘Lady Bird’ McPherson

Laurie Metcalf – Marion McPherson

Lucas Hedges – Danny O’Neill

Timothee Chalamet – Kyle Scheible


“Lady Bird” is the directorial debut of Greta Gerwig and tells the story of Christine ‘Lady Bird’ McPherson and her coming of age in the early 2000s in Sacramento, California. Played excellently by Saiorse Ronan, “Lady Bird” is a must see. The script which is also written by Gerwig is demanding and in your face as it doesn’t shy from the more mature content at play. Lady Bird attends a Catholic school and they make good use of the school to showcase the comedy as well as some of the more dramatic moments of the film. Saoirse Ronan delivers one of the best performances of the year as she is a threat for Best Actress at the Oscars. Same goes for Laurie Metcalf who plays Ronan’s mother as she delivered an enigmatic performance. Lucas Hedges and Timothee Chalamet give great turns as Lady Bird’s boyfriends as you see the different ways they rub off on her. At times, the film’s tone will overlap the other as it doesn’t make for a cohesive whole. “Lady Bird” is one of the year’s best and is a dominant showcase for women as they all shine here.

Score: 4.2/5