Casino Royale(2006)

Casino Royale

Director: Martin Campbell


Daniel Craig – James Bond

Eva Green – Vesper Lynd

Mads Mikkelson – Le Chiffre

Giancarlo Giannini – Rene Mathis

Jeffrey Wright – Felix Leiter

Judi Dench – M


Casino Royale is directed by Martin Campbell and stars Daniel Craig in his first outing as

James Bond and is essentially his origin story. The cast featured is Eva Green as the sexy

Vesper Lynd, Mads Mikkelson as Le Chiffre and Judi Dench as M, the head of MI6. The plot

of this story essentially is Bond is tasked with taking down a criminal during a high stakes

poker game. When Bond is in Madagascar he is pursuing a bomb maker and this makes for

a great and exciting chase sequence. During the poker game, they really focus on the

mentality of the game and show how Bond tries to outwit Le Chiffre’s moves. During this

game, it leads to events that threaten both Bond and Le Chiffre’s life and once the game

proceeds, you get these funny quips from Bond such as, “That last hand, nearly killed

me.” You can’t forget about Chris Cornell’s fantastic Bond song, “You Know My

Name.” Casino Royale is one of the best origin stories created and is a cinematic classic.

Grade: A+