Deadpool 2 (2018)

Deadpool 2

Director: David Leitch


Ryan Reynolds – Deadpool

Josh Brolin – Cable

Zazie Beetz – Domino

Julian Dennison – Russell

Morena Baccarin – Vanessa


It’s here baby, “Deadpool 2.” Ryan Reynolds returns as the ‘merc with the mouth’ and he’s bringing some new people to the fold. Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz join him as Cable and Domino respectfully. Following the credits of “Deadpool,” we were teased with Cable casting and finally we are given Josh Brolin as the “Terminator” esque comic book character as he is sent back in time to stop a future threat. Deadpool puts himself between Cable and his target and this in turn leads to mayhem and destruction that only Deadpool could conjure up. Returning players to the fold include Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, Karan Soni as Dopinder as well as Weasel, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Tim Miller did not return to the director’s chair due to creative differences between himself and Ryan Reynolds, but instead was replaced by “John Wick” co-director David Leitch. You can definitely feel Leitch’s touch as the action was top notch with the hand to hand combat being pristine as well as an epic chase scene that ultimately topped the bridge scene from the first film. The first “Deadpool” was marketed as a love story and it fit with its Valentine’s Day release and with this film, we have a family film. Family is the theme and it fits as the film sets itself up for X-Force with the eventual climax leaving you all warm and fuzzy inside. The comedy once again hits on all cylinders as Deadpool once again delivers authentic jokes that land a majority of the time. Brolin and Beetz were standouts as they brought their own gravitas to the film and there banter with Deadpool was perfect. Cameos appear in this film and they were all great. Minor issues that I found were a lack of fourth wall breaking from Deadpool as well as recurring story beats from the first film. Also, T.J. Miller wasn’t as funny as he was in the first film and that was a letdown. Otherwise, “Deadpool 2” is a sequel that lives up to the first film that introduces new characters while also upping the ante in the action, comedy as well as being a heartfelt family film.


Stay for the mid-credits scene as you don’t want to miss it.

Score: 4.5/5

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