Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Infinity War

Director: Anthony & Joe Russo


Josh Brolin – Thanos

Robert Downey Jr. – Iron Man

Chris Evans – Captain America

Chris Hemsworth – Thor

Mark Ruffalo – Hulk

Elizabeth Olsen – Scarlet Witch

Paul Bettany – Vision

Benedict Cumberbatch – Doctor Strange

Tom Holland – Spider-Man


10 years ago, “Iron Man” came out in theaters and it dawned in the age of the post credit scene. Now, after a culmination of 18 films that interconnect with each other, we finally have “Avengers: Infinity War.” This film takes place right after the events of “Thor: Ragnarok.” We find Earth’s mightiest heroes having to face their biggest threat to date, Thanos. An alien from another planet, his goal is to set balance to the universe by wiping half the human race and the only way to do so is through the six infinity stones. The Avengers must come together despite their past differences as they fate of the world once again lies in their hands. In order to prevent spoilers, I’ve decided to keep this review vague. The Russo brothers have once again returned to the director’s seat and this film by far is their most well crafted to date. Every action scene and set piece is delivered with master precision and the Russo’s capture it brilliantly. The script by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who wrote the last two Cap films have so many different characters to balance out and they do an adequate enough job at showcasing every single avenger in the film. This film is filled to the brim with MCU characters recent and old. They all get their due for the most part as this two and half hour epic hits you with action, heart, comedy and loss. The performances from this incredible ensemble cast is great. The comedy bits throughout the film are extremely effective, despite some of them taking away the emotional impact of the film. The CGI in this film is good for the majority with it lacking primarily in the Wakanda scenes and it succeeding due to a magnificent look of Thanos. The visual effects in this film have never been better in a marvel movie since “The Guardians of the Galaxy.” Every visual effects shot can be framed on a poster as it is presented seamlessly in the film. “Avengers: Infinity War” is a 10 year process that brings together multiple characters from a universe under one banner and it succeeds at telling a captivating story from start to finish.

Score: 4.8/5

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