Tomb Raider (2018)

Tomb Raider

Director: Roar Uthaug


Alicia Vikander – Lara Croft

Walton Goggins – Mathias Vogel

Dominic West – Lord Richard Croft

Daniel Wu – Lu Ren

Kristin Scott Thomas – Ana Miller


“Tomb Raider” is the latest video game adaptation to hit theaters and serves as a reboot to the franchise. This franchise had two films previously, starring Angelina Jolie as the heroine Lara Croft. Alicia Vikander has now stepped into the coveted role of Lara. Directed by Roar Uthaug, “Tomb Raider” is a film that starts off promising by introducing us to Vikander’s Lara Croft, a beautiful and strong character that is out of touch from the world due to her father’s disappearance. She seeks the help of a fisherman and runs into Daniel Wu’s character ‘Lu Ren’ and they happen to share a similar interest. They venture off to find her father and come across an evil corporation known as ‘Trinity.’ Leading this group is Mathias Vogel played by Walton Goggins. His character just wants to find an artifact so he can get back to his family. A completely viable answer and it’s unfortunate that this is the only trait given to any supporting characters. They are dull and only serve the purpose of fan service. When the action ensues, it’s shotty and difficult to enjoy. “Tomb Raider” is filled with fan service and is executed well, especially the plane sequence from the game. The performances from the cast are good with Vikander and Goggins standing out. Dominic West’s more memorable scenes come in the form of flashbacks and there woven into the film at the right moments. Kristin Scott Thomas makes a brief appearance as a character from Lara’s past and her arc made for interest in a sequel. “Tomb Raider” however, is not a good movie due to its shotty action, lack of character depth and lack of actual tomb raiding. The film should have been called “Lara Croft,” since it spends more time delving into her past then actual tomb raiding. Fans of the game will enjoy the video game set pieces, but the film as a whole doesn’t fully come together.

Score: 2.9/5

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