

Director: Jonas Cuaron


Gael Garcia Bernal – Moises

Jeffrey Dean Morgan – Sam


“Desierto” is the directorial debut of Jonas Cuaron, the son of acclaimed director

Alfonso Cuaron. In this film, a group of illegal immigrants are attempting to get into

America when a racist American (Dean Morgan) takes the law into his own hands through

violent acts. This film was relentless in every way. The brutality and violence in the film

was outrageous as it didn’t hold back. The movie showcased the horror of border patrol

and how Americans can be the villain when it comes to illegal immigration. The

performances in the film were good from the two leads. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was terrific

in the film as he sold the racist side of his character. Gael Garcia Bernal was also good as

the immigrant who is trying to survive the onslaught put forth on him by Dean Morgan’s

character. The upset of the film for me was the second half as it became slow and

repetitive. Also, Dean Morgan’s characters change of heart at the end of the film killed his

intensity. Overall, “Desierto” is an intense thriller with good performances from its leads

that dwindles in its second half.

Grade: B-

The Accountant(2016)


Director: Gavin O’ Connor


Ben Affleck – Christian Wolff

Anna Kendrick – Dana Cummings

J.K. Simmons – Ray King

Jon Bernthal – Brax

Jeffrey Tambor – Francis Silverberg

Cynthia Addai-Robinson – Marybeth Medina

John Lithgow – Lamar Blackburn


“The Accountant” is directed by Gavin O’ Connor and stars Ben Affleck in the title role. In

this film, Affleck plays Christian Wolff, an tax accountant who works for the likes of

cartels and mobs. J.K. Simmons’ character is on the trail of him unaware of who the

identity of his character is. Cynthia Addai-Robinson works in the same building as

Simmons and due to a violent past is forced to help figure out the identity of this

accountant. We also have the likes of Anna Kendrick, Jon Bernthal, Jeffrey Tambor and

John Lithgow. This film is told in an non-linear form where it shows scenes from Affleck’s

characters childhood. I haven’t mentioned, but Affleck’s character has a form of autism

spectrum which prohibits him from socializing with people but his cognitive skills are

incredible. This added characteristic to his character makes for an unique take on the

hitman genre. Ben was amazing as this character as he really sold the autistic persona and

this is coming from a person with a form of autism. He was a badass and due to his autism,

he added quite a bit of humor. The supporting cast was also good and there’s a twist at the

end which works. The only problem with the film is that the beginning sets up Robinson’s

and Simmons’ characters wanting to find this accountant and then it just sidelines it until

the very end.  Other than that, “The Accountant” was an unique take on the hitman genre

which served Affleck as a total badass and relatable character.

Grade: A

The Birth of a Nation(2016)


Director: Nate Parker


Nate Parker – Nat Turner

Armie Hammer – Samuel Turner

Penelope Ann Miller – Elizabeth Turner

Jackie Earle Haley – Raymond Cobb

Mark Boone Junior – Reverend Zalthall

Colman Domingo – Hark


“The Birth of a Nation” is written, directed and stars Nate Parker as Nat Turner. This film

tells the story of a literate slave who led a group of slaves in a rebellion against their slave

owners in the early 1800s. This film is under a lot of controversy regarding the star, and I

went into this film putting all of that aside and just focusing on the material at hand. I

found this film to be at its strongest in the middle and falling flat in the beginning and the

end. The movie starts with a young Nat Turner witnessing his father fight back against

slave owners and then it cuts to the dad saying “I need to leave, I just killed a white man.”

That felt completely rushed and was not impacting on Nat’s character. The movie then

jumps forward to Nat as an adult and he has become a preaching man and through his

stoic presence and use of words, he presents a rallying cry to his captive brothers and

sisters. The movie showed reasoning for Nat’s calling through the use of brutal and

horrific imagery. This sends a spark through Nat’s body as he becomes fed up with

witnessing all the damage done to his fellow slaves. There were also cases of ridiculous

imagery involving a young white girl skipping with a young black girl who had a noose

around her neck. Armie Hammer is in the film as Nat’s owner who has a past with him and

he didn’t do much except being drunk and falling asleep. Jackie Earle Haley is also in the

movie as this diabolical slave owner who you just want to see get the sharp end of a knife.

When it comes time for the actual rebellion I was excited. This let me down as it felt

rushed and just to the point. I will say that “The Birth of a Nation” did justice on the part

of presenting the perilous journey these characters went through, especially Nat and I felt

that the movie was at its strongest when Nat presented the slaves with a sense of hope

and courage through bible scripture.

Grade: B

Deepwater Horizon(2016)


Director: Peter Berg


Mark Wahlberg – Mike Williams

Kurt Russell – Jimmy Harrell

Gina Rodriguez – Andrea Fleytas

John Malkovich – Vidrine

Dylan O’ Brien – Caleb Holloway

Kate Hudson – Felicia


“Deepwater Horizon” is directed by Peter Berg and is the retelling of events that occurred

on the Deepwater Horizon in 2010. Mark Wahlberg and Kurt Russell star in the film as the

heads of this oil rig when something catastrophic occurs. You also have John Malkovich

who plays a BP exec. who is necessary to the turn of events that take place. All three of

these men were great in their roles as this was one of the most emotional and riveting

films I have seen this entire year. It takes about 30-40 minutes until the action starts as

we get to know more about the characters and who they really are as a person. As soon as

the rig blows up, we are immediately thrust into 5th gear. Talk about an explosion, this

movies use of sound design integrated with explosive effects made Michael Bay films look

juvenile. The acting, directing and sound design were incredible as it made my heart race

through its entirety. “Deepwater Horizon” is an immersive disaster film with great acting,

directing and sound design that depicts a terrible event in a heroic fashion.

Grade: A