Triple 9 (2016)

Triple 9

Director: John Hillcoat


Kate Winslet – Irina Vlaslov

Aaron Paul – Gabe Welch

Norman Reedus – Russel Welch

Casey Affleck – Chris Allen

Gal Gadot – Elena

Chiwetel Ejiofor – Michael Atwood

Woody Harrelson – Sgt. Det. Jeffrey Allen

Anthony Mackie – Marcus Belmont


Triple 9 is directed by John Hillcoat and is the story of crooked cops that are tasked with

robbing banks for the Russian Mob, but when all hell breaks loose, they are stuck with one

option, a “999.” The cast is an ensemble with good performances from everyone. The

problem with this movie is that they use their cast just like Black Mass did, by not really

focusing on a central character and that leads to a jumbled movie. The movie has some

good things to it as it showcases an intense and entertaining break-in scene between cops

and a Mexican gang member. Triple 9 is a movie that starts off promising but dwindles in

the end.

Grade: C+


The Witch(2016)

The Witch

Director: Robert Eggers


Anya Taylor-Joy – Thomasin

Ralph Ineson – William

Katie Dickie – Katherine

Harvey Scrimshaw – Caleb

Ellie Grainger – Mercy

Lucas Dawson – Jonas


The Witch is directed by Robert Eggers and tells the story of a religious family who are ex-

communicated from their town and are forced to live in the plains which is surrounded by

woods. Once there, events start to happen and the family soon starts to question

themselves and their beliefs. The daughter and father played by Anya Taylor-Joy and

Ralph Ineson are fantastic in the film as Ineson plays a religious father and Taylor-Joy is

the oldest daughter who is at the center of all the unfortunate events that occur. The

music in the movie is very dark and horrifying as it paints a picture as to we don’t know

what to expect. The film is a long build-up which will seem boring to most audiences, but

the last 20-25 minutes of the film is the pay-off and it delivers in a hauntingly way. This is

one of the most unsettling films ever created and is a triumph in recreating the 17th

century witch stories.

Grade: A



Director: Tim Miller


Ryan Reynolds – Wade Wilson/Deadpool

Morena Baccarin – Vanessa

T.J. Miller – Weasel

Ed Skrein – Ajax

Stefan Kapicic – Colossus

Brianna Hildebrand – Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Gina Carano – Angel Dust


Deadpool is directed by Tim Miller and stars Ryan Reynolds as the titular character.

The story revolves around how Wade Wilson (Reynolds) becomes Deadpool due to an

experimental test. Ryan Reynolds is fantastic as Deadpool as he really shows how much of

a sarcastic asshole he is and how perfectly casted he is. The movie overall is hilarious as

there are many gratuitous jokes that come from the merc with the mouth. The film

combines many genres ranging from extreme action scenes, a romance between Deadpool

and Vanessa (Baccarin) as well as many jokes from the potty-mouthed Deadpool. All of

this makes the film mold together beautifully. The only negative is that some of the jokes

don’t hit, nevertheless the movie is fantastic. This is the funniest Marvel movie to date.

Grade: A

Hail, Caesar!(2016)

Hail, Caesar!

Directors: Joel/Ethan Coen


Josh Brolin – Eddie Mannix

George Clooney – Baird Whitlock

Alden Ehrenreich – Hobie Doyle

Scarlett Johansson – DeeAnna Moran

Channing Tatum – Burt Gurney


Hail, Caesar! is directed by the Coen Brothers and stars George Clooney, Josh Brolin and

an ensemble cast. The film is about a film adaptation of Jesus Christ titled Hail, Caesar!

starring Baird Whitlock (Clooney) and how he while on his break gets kidnapped and held

for ransom. Eddie Mannix (Brolin) is a Hollywood fixer who is put at the front of this

situation and events ensue from there. The performances from Brolin and Clooney are

excellent as you would expect. Alden Ehrenreich is a fresh face who was also extremely

good as he plays a cowboy actor who also gets tied up in the events. This film elaborates

on how 1950s movies were made and how distinct and original they were than and how

they’re not so much anymore. The movie has some issues as it focuses heavily on side

stories while it should be focusing on the main plot. It is enjoyable though for a Coen

Brothers movie.

Grade: B

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies(2016)

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

Director: Burr Steers


Lily James – Elizabeth Bennet

Sam Riley – Mr. Darcy

Jack Huston – George Wickham

Belle Heathcote – Jane Bennet

Douglas Booth – Mr. Bingley

Sally Phillips – Mrs. Bennet

Charles Dance – Mr. Bennet

Lena Headey – Lady Catherine

Matt Smith – Parson Collins


Pride & Prejudice & Zombies is directed by Burr Steers and tells the story of social

hierarchy in England and how a wealthy man fell in love with a poor girl, but with the

twist of there being zombies involved. The performances from the two leads (James and

Riley) are good as they are the glue that keeps this move in tact. The movie consists of

having a romance involved with action, horror and some comedy. Matt Smith is the

comedic relief as he had some of the best lines in the movie. The story is kind of jumbled

and ridiculous as it doesn’t really fit well with the addition of zombies and there is a twist

that is noticeable towards the end. Overall, the movie is enjoyable as it delivers the action

and comedy when it needs to and demonstrates the masculinity of the women in the film.

Grade: B-